The Next Great Awakening

Wake up. Put your face in the sunlight. God’s bright glory has risen for you. The whole earth is wrapped in darkness, all people sunk in deep darkness, But God rises on you, his sunrise glory breaks over you.

- Isaiah 60:1-2 (MSG)


this moment matters

I believe that this moment matters. There’s a breeze beginning to blow; can you feel it? There are signs of a move of God. I’m starting to hear similar words from a variety of different ministries and movements all around the world. A great harvest is coming. I’m seeing the unity of denominations and organizations as they come together with a single vision. I believe that there’s an epic move of God just over the horizon!

There is an awakening happening in the world today. In the midst of crisis, loss of security, and fear that life could never be “normal” again, God is shining light into the darkness. He’s shining his love and goodness in the midst of fear and pain. He’s empowering his church to be his voice of peace in the middle of the chaos. He’s humbling his people and turning their hearts back to him, so that they can take who He is to those who have no hope. This is a divine moment of time, but it isn’t the first time God has moved in such an epic way.



What could an awakening look like? 


Our country, America, was founded on the dream of a place where people could freely worship God. But like today, the original passion that drove people to take great risk to see the impossible happen turned into complacency in the following generations. During the early 1700s, the thirteen colonies had accepted religion as a part of their life but had lost the passion for a personal relationship with God. 

One of the men God used to awaken the church was Theodorus Frelinghuysen. Through his preaching, something miraculous began. A move of God spread through all thirteen colonies. So many people came into a relationship with Jesus that the churches didn’t have enough room to hold them. Towns were transformed as these believers compelled by their new love for Jesus, were going out to meet the needs in their communities. Everyone was aware of this unprecedented move of God. It was referred to as, “The New Light”. Those who had previously been excluded from churches were now welcomed. And the first to respond were teenagers!! That thirty-year period of time forever affected our nation.

Throughout this past century, there have been individuals whom God has used to do great things for His kingdom. One is Billy Graham, one of the greatest American evangelists of the 20th century. During his seventy years of ministry, he saw 3.2 million people find new life in Jesus. Sometime before Billy Graham died in February 2018 he was asked the question, “who do you think God will raise up as the next Billy Graham?” He answered, “The Church”. I think he saw what God is wanting to do! 

Another is Reinhard Bonnke. A German man who felt called by God to go to Africa. Over his forty years ministering he saw 79,913,155 (yes, that’s 79 million!) people come to Christ through his ministry. Right before his last meeting he said, “The Lord spoke to me, that I should go back for one more crusade in Africa. I want to not only see a gigantic harvest of souls but to PASS MY BURNING TORCH to this generation.” Reinhard Bonnke died December 7, 2019.

Both men, who were mightily used by God, believed that their God-given mantle for evangelism was to be passed on to the whole church! 


now is the time

We are in a defining moment today. I remember hearing a Vineyard conference speaker in the early ’90s, Bob Jones, share a prophetic picture from God of a revival coming that would be led by people with paper bags over their heads. 

What that meant was that God would use people that nobody knew to bring an outpouring of his spirit on the earth. Only He would get the credit for what he wanted to do. God wants to use “faceless followers” to do mighty works in the world today for His glory! 

I believe that those faceless followers will include kids and youth. Just like in the first great awakening, youth were the first to respond to God, what could it look like for God to use kids and youth in the next great awakening?

Now is the time to call this generation into new life. It’s a season of salvation. God is already working in the lives of kids and youth. We need to recognize his work and let them know that God loves them.

Now is the time to tell them that they can hear God’s voice. God loves to talk to his people. This younger generation needs mentors to help them recognize His voice.

Now is the time to empower them to go be community changers through the love and power of Jesus. The Holy Spirit lives inside them. They need permission to dream and experiment. Who knows what ways God will use their gifts, talents, and abilities!

Now is the time to work together toward one common goal - that Jesus would be made known. God loves unity! As Harry S. Truman said, “It’s amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.”

I feel the excitement of a new adventure. God is doing something new, and it will take learning new ways to lean into what he is doing in this new season. I know it will take faith and courage, but I’m ready to take risks. I’m ready to invest in dreams. I’m ready to embrace the new. 

So here’s the question, how can we lean into this moment? Now is the time. 

Xx Becky

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